SCIO Registration Number SC044265
We are community-led organisation working & supporting vulnerable and disadvantaged family, young and children in every aspect of life ensuring they are given every possible chance to meet their full potential and to participate fully in society.
We ensure people from disadvantaged community are given fairer chance to develop their social, employment and life skills. We advance the education of the disadvantaged and the vulnerable in the community by encouraging and developing their innate skills.
We broaden, expand and consolidate our service users life experience by constructively linking and co-operating with appropriate educational authorities and further educational centres in an effort to encourage & improve their access and life chances.
Our services are open to all members of the public and we intend to serve the general public and all members alike. We do encourage the participation of BME who sometimes are often disadvantaged as a result of disillusionment, lack of opportunities, social & cultural exclusion and financial deprivation.
Hope Amplified services are rooted in evidence-based practice and shaped to reflect current research about effective ways of helping disadvantaged young people achieve a better life.
Since inception, Hope Amplified have been committed and pre-occupied to rigorous monitoring and evaluation of services and the impact they have on the community.
Transformational Strategy

For a long time, our community have played a rather dismal or passive role in the Scottish community matters. We take active steps to encourage equal opportunity and the participation of those who are underrepresented in the community such as the elderly, disabled, the disadvantaged and members of the BME.
We are committed to be the beacon of hope and the leading organisation in Scotland, working sides by sides with other organisation with similar visions and purpose to build a wholesome, virile and confident communities who are stakeholders and contributors to the development policy that affect the community in Scotland.
Our strategy in confronting these challenges are two-pronged:
First and foremost, we intend working and partnering with Government, Statutory, Public/Private organisation, Trust and other local Charity and Community organisation in a purposeful engagement and capacity building initiative so that the minority voices are infused in the policy developmental process in Scotland.
Secondly, is to ensure that the needs of the vulnerable and disadvantaged communities are met; that the race equality strategies are implemented in the provision of services, in line with agencies legal and moral requirements with regards to health, social, cultural and educational services and to promote social harmony across cultures.