SCIO Registration Number SC044265
Our services are open to all members of the public and we intend to serve the general public and all members alike, however, the participation of BME Community not well represented in the community are encouraged.
The organisation’s purposes
1. The advancement of education- we will seek to do this by honing and incentivising the community entrepreneurial skills through the provision of soft-skills & vocational training, running of supplementary school, a mentoring scheme, after-school and residential activities and building links or co-operating with appropriate education authorities and further education centres.
2. The prevention or relief of poverty –we will seek to prevent poverty by training, up-skilling and upgrading the capacity and the potential of our service users to hold on to jobs or find job opportunities through sign-posting, and to set up food & clothing banks, provision of household goods for those who are experiencing poverty.
3. The advancement of Arts, Heritage and Culture- we will seek to this by encouraging active participation in traditional & contemporary arts, heritage and cultural activities. We will also provide arts facilities for learning and for imbibing of different cultures, food etc. We will also encourage different dance styles and allow service users to embrace training in both traditional and contemporary music genre.
4. The advancement of citizenship or community development- We will seek to encourage rural or urban regeneration and the promotion of civic responsibility, volunteering, the voluntary sector or the effectiveness or efficiency of charities.
5. The promotion of equality and diversity- we will seek to eliminate all forms of policy that seeks to encourage and promote discrimination through the right advocacy and campaigning for social justice through education and public enlightenment.
6. The advancement of human rights, conflict resolution or reconciliation- We will seek to raise human rights abuses and place domestic violence as frontal issues in the community during workshops, seminars and in general educational awareness programme. The issue of conflicts, the underlying causes and how to resolve it will also be on the agenda.

Our vision is predicated on building a wholesome, productive and innovative community through a deliberate, consistent and sustainable activities.
Cultural Initiatives Network (CIN).
Social & Economic Empowerment Network(SEEN).
Waymaker Social Enterprise Organisation.
Hope Kitchen Initiatives (Incorporating the Hope Pensioners Club; Hope Kids Club; Hope Cafe and Hope Clothes & Food Bank).
Kush Arts & Music Initiatives.
Climate Change Initiatives (ClimatePhiles Project)
Taste & See Commonwealth Initiatives
Hope Street Angels Initiatives.
Citizenship & Community Development Project
Our mission is to deliver total transformation (education, economic and social empowerment) of the community.
The platform for transformation will be holistic in terms of its engagement with other communities so that it can both serve as a social & economic catalyst for the acceleration and deepening of the quality of life for the community.
We seek to meet the target set above on this platform:
Point of contact for educational empowerment, developing and sustaining entrepreneurial skills.
Encouraging latent and hidden talents in music, drama and arts.
Encouraging collective and communal responsibility and integration.
Understanding of citizen rights and responsibility.
Community Capacity Building
Our policy on community capacity building is in tandem with WALT. The Scottish policy context for building community capacity is found in the Working and Learning Together to Build Stronger Communities (WALT) guidance.
Community capacity building is a way of working with people to develop their ability to jointly influence what happens in their community.
WALT identifies ‘achievement through building community capacity’ as one of the three national priorities for HOPE AMPLIFIED.
It describes the process as ‘building community capacity and influence by enabling individuals, groups and communities to develop the confidence, understanding and skills required to influence decision making and service delivery.
This could include enabling communities to provide and manage services to meet community needs. This is one of our engagement activity.