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It is no doubt that Numeracy is a neglected basic skill. Adults who struggle with numeracy are twice as likely to be unemployed as those who are competent. Numeracy is a bigger indicator of disadvantage than literacy. The world Health Organisation states that there is a strong link between literacy and employability in the UK: people with the lowest levels of literacy are the least likely to be employed while only 2% of families with good levels of literacy live in work-less households. One of the most important factors in addressing inequality is to ensure that school leavers have the literacy skills required to secure employment or further training. The relationship between literacy and employment signifies the importance of literacy in tackling health inequality.


The HOPESPRING SUPPLEMENTARY EDUCATION is focused on Literacy, Numeracy, Mathematics, Languages and other programmes that support our service users to engage with education and to build the necessary vital life skills to improve their life chances and employment prospects in the most funny, inspiring and fulfilling atmosphere.


The aim of HOPESPRING SUPPLEMENTARY EDUCATION (HSE) is to support additional educational initiatives which encourages children and young people to raise their achievements levels. HSE is about developing educational programmes to help disadvantaged and socially excluded children from the BME community make the most of their time at school.  Recent research shows that children from low-income families are already educationally behind those from high-income backgrounds by the time they reach primary school. The difficulties faced by Scottish children from low income backgrounds are evident at an early age and intensify during the course of primary and secondary education. The Growing Up in Scotland study shows that by age three, average vocabulary scores for children from low income households were below those of children from high income households.


By age five, the scores correspond to a 13-month gap in vocabulary development. By the end of compulsory schooling, young people from socially advantaged neighbourhoods are much more likely to gain a university place, with social differences in entrance to ancient universities particularly marked. Despite massive expansion of the system, young people from the most advantaged neighbourhoods in Scotland are five times more likely to gain a place in an ancient university compared with those from the most deprived neighbourhoods. The most selective universities in Scotland draw about 40% of their intake from private schools, which only cater for about 5% of the Scottish school population.


The latest Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) report estimates that by age five children from the poorest families are 10 to 13 months behind in their development. The report suggested that lower attainment in literacy and numeracy is linked to deprivation throughout primary school. By the time of pupils being in their second year at high school, for example, those from better-off areas are more than twice as likely to do well in numeracy. By 16, attainment has risen overall but significant and persistent gap remains between groups. Children from poorer backgrounds also more likely to leave school early and without qualifications.  


Sounding the alarm, Jim McCormick, Scotland adviser at JRF, said: "Scottish education serves many children well, but too many poor children risk becoming poor adults unless we close the attainment gap. At all ages and stages in a child's school career, there are interventions which can be made to break the cycle of low attainment. Closing the attainment gap must be higher priority for everyone concerned with education in Scotland." Neil Mathers, head of Scotland at Save the Children added: 'Given that the achievement gap exists before children even start school, it`s essential to create opportunities at an early stage. Support with good-quality early learning and childcare needs to be made available to those families who need it most so their children can have the best start possible, instead of beginning school already behind their peers".


The passion to bridge the attainment gaps of BME community gave rise to HOPESPRING SUPPLEMENTARY EDUCATION in South Lanarkshire and Glasgow with the vision of rolling them out across Scotland. The HSE activity includes Specialist After School Clubs, Complementary Classes on Saturdays and Intensive Literacy, Numeracy and Mathematics Support Lessons.Also, included is the teaching and learning of parent dialect and culture. HOPESRING SUPPLEMENTARY EDUCATION on Saturdays will help underachieving children at both primary and secondary schools by injecting 30% extra lessons into every school week, accelerating and complementing their classroom learning. Hope Amplified mantra for the hopespring Supplementary Education: education changes everything.


KSE is set out to achieve the following:


  1. Raise the educational achievement of BME young people in Scotland.

  2. Enhance the motivation and aspirations of young people.

  3. Reduce the risk of social exclusions to Black and Minority pupils currently at risk of exclusion.

  4. Improve educational and employment opportunities for BME young people.

  5. Positively impact on the identity and self-awareness of BME young people.

The age target: 6-16 years 

Every Saturday Morning (11.00am - 1.00pm, with individual Tutorial from 1.00pm - 2.00pm)



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