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Michael Olagoke


Michael B Olagoke holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Obafemi Awolowo University. He is a Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria and a Certified SAP FI Consultant.


After qualifying as an Accountant, he worked with CoopEast, The Shell Petroleum Development Company, Port Harcourt, Nigeria holding various positions including Internal Control Officer.


He, afterwards, relocated to the UK and worked with the Royal Bank of Scotland as Anti-Money Laundering Associate and later Senior Portfolio Analyst.


He is currently a Financial Analyst with Teleperformance – a global outsourcing company in the UK

Eleanora Ifeoma Urum



The Trustees of the Board are responsible for:


  • Recruiting and Managing staff and volunteers


  • Providing annual accounts and reports


  • Finance and fund-raising


  • Ensuring the organisation works within policies, guidelines, budget and law


  • Submitting Annual Accounts to an independent Auditor


Office bearers are Chairmain, Treasurer and Secretary who are elected annually at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).


The quorum for meetings is two office bearers and three other members

Eleanora Ifeoma Urum is a Law graduate from the University of Edinburgh and a Certified Chartered Accountant.


She has advanced knowledge and practical experience in many business and personal advisory roles in public practice, banking and the United Nations.


Currently is a PhD student with the Strathclyde University, Glasgow.Her current research interest is in sustainability of financial accounting.

Dr. Damilola Agbato

Dr. Dami Agbato is a clinical and health management professional who holds various positions in both private and public sectors across the spectrum of healthcare delivery.


His experience spans Africa, the United Kingdom and the Unites States covering both the medical and administrative aspects of healthcare.


Dami holds a Medical Degree from the University of Lagos in Nigeria, and a Masters in Healthcare Administration from University of North Carolina at Charlotte in the United States. 


Dr.Dami previously volunteered with  the Medical Missions of Family Care International as part of a team of physicians providing Primary and Specialist Medical Care to Rural Communities in Nigeria without access to Medical Care.  He currently works as a researcher at the University of Glasgow.

Michael Jonathan


Michael Jonathan is an ardent Entrepreneur who graduated with a degree in Microbiology at the Obafemi Awolowo University.


Michael Jonathan is a Risk Management (M.Sc) graduate of Glasgow Caledonian University and studying for an MBA at Warwick Business School,University of Warwick. He is member of the Institute of Risk Management (MIRM).


He has held various voluntary positions as Management Committee Member at the North Glasgow Community Food Initiatives (NGCFI), Royston and at the British Red Cross.

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